How do I receive my Professor Points from staffing a Play! Pokémon event?
The Tournament Organizer is responsible for reporting the Player IDs and roles of all staff members who participated in their events. Only staff reported in this way will receive Professor Points.
If you believe the organizer may have made an error, please contact the organizer and ask that they add your Player ID and role to the event page via the Organizer Tools dashboard.
How do I receive my Professor Points from attending a Professor Seminar?
There are two steps required for you to receive your Professor Points. Your Professor Seminar host must record you as being present, and you must complete and submit the feedback form for the seminar session you attended by the second Monday following the seminar.
When will I receive my Professor Points for attending an online Professor Seminar?
Professor Points are not awarded automatically upon completion of an online Professor Seminar. Professor University staff must first confirm that the Professor was actively present during the session. Professor Points are then awarded to eligible Professors in the week following the conclusion of the Professor Seminar.
You can help this process by ensuring that you remain connected to the platform for the entire session, and that you correctly submit the attendance confirmation code with your feedback.
Where do I submit feedback for a Professor Seminar?
You can submit feedback by following the link to “Submit Feedback” on the right-hand side of the session information page on Professor University.
What do I do if I’ve submitted the feedback, but I’m not marked present?
Professor Seminar hosts have their own criteria for what counts as a Professor being present for a seminar. For example, if you were physically present at the seminar but you did not engage in any of the activities, or if you arrived too late or left too early to benefit from the content of the seminar, you may be marked as absent.
If you believe you were marked as absent by mistake, contact your Professor Seminar host and ask them to correct the attendance record on Professor University.
What do I do if I was marked as present, but I didn’t submit feedback before the deadline?
You will not receive Professor Points if your feedback is not received by the second Monday following the seminar.
This is because feedback not submitted in a timely manner cannot be taken into account during reports and therefore has no bearing on efforts to grow and improve our seminar series. The Professor Program team uses the feedback it receives to determine the success of each of our Professor Seminars. This feedback is collated the second Monday following each Seminar.
Why has the host marked me as absent after I attended an online Professor Seminar?
Please see below for potential reasons you may have been marked as absent. You may reach out to the seminar host if you feel that you were marked as absent by mistake.
You didn't include the attendance confirmation code when submitting feedback for the session
This code confirms that you were actively present and listening during the session. The code usually comprises a Pokémon name followed by a number, e.g. "Pikachu14." The code is not case-sensitive and will be accepted so long as the name of the Pokémon is recognizable to Professor University staff. You will be marked as absent if you do not submit the attendance code.
The instructor could not identify you by name from the attendance list provided by the session platform
If you did not appear to be present in the seminar room, you will be marked as absent.
The session platform recorded that you were present for less than half of the session
Some platforms (such as Zoom) record the time in minutes that you are connected to the call. You will be marked as absent if you are not connected for most of the session.
You attended a different session than the one for which you registered
Some seminars have different sessions so you can choose to register for a session at a time that works best for you. If you change your mind about which session to attend after you registered, you can use the “Change Session” option to swap. You will be marked as absent if you do not attend the session for which you registered.