Occasionally, when you check your Pokémon status in Pokémon HOME, you may notice that the type of Poké Ball may be different from the one originally used to catch the Pokémon. Additionally, you may sometimes notice that the Judge function does not work as expected, or that information about your Pokémon appears differently, displays incorrectly, or is missing. Please see below for more information.
Note: Pokémon HOME only changes the displayed information and does **not** overwrite Pokémon data.
Nintendo Switch Version
When connecting Pokémon HOME to a specific game, the status and moves are shown according to what they would be if that Pokémon were to be deposited into the save data of that game. Detailed summaries for Pokémon will not display if the Pokémon does not appear in the connected game title.
When Pokémon HOME is not connected to a specific game, the status and moves that are visible will be the same as when Pokémon HOME is connected to Pokémon Sword or Pokémon Shield. This means that the full status and moves will not display for Pokémon that do not appear in those titles.
Mobile Device Version
Pokémon will display the status and moves of the last game title that they were in.
The information of Pokémon transferred from Pokémon GO or moved from Pokémon Bank will appear the same as it would in Pokémon Sword or Pokémon Shield, even if the Pokémon do not appear in Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield. For more information, please see our article, “Why can’t I see my Pokémon’s moves in Pokémon HOME?”.
Note: Pokémon information displayed in Pokémon HOME may be different from the information displayed in the original title in which they were obtained.
- The type of Poké Ball that was used to catch a Pokémon (this may display differently on the Nintendo Switch version, but it will not change on the mobile device version)
- Pokémon moves
- The presence or absence of the Alpha Pokémon mark for Pokémon caught in Pokémon Legends: Arceus
- Conditions that are limited to a specific game (effort level, Super Contest Condition, etc.)
- Information displayed by the Judge function (note: the Judge function is only available with the paid Premium Plan).
Note: Pokémon HOME only changes the displayed information and does **not** overwrite Pokémon data.