Hot Topics
- Compatibility changes for the mobile device version of Pokémon HOME
- Addressing the use of data altered via unauthorized means
- About connecting Pokémon HOME to different games
- How to transfer Pokémon from Pokémon GO to Pokémon HOME
- How do I set up Pokémon HOME so I can access the same Pokémon Boxes from both the mobile device version and Nintendo Switch version?
- Can we trade between family members in Pokémon HOME?
- Why does Pokémon information display incorrectly or not appear in Pokémon HOME?
- Why can’t I deposit Nincada into my game?
- Why can’t I withdraw or deposit Spinda into Pokémon Brilliant Diamond or Pokémon Shining Pearl?
- Why can’t I see my Pokémon’s moves in Pokémon HOME?
- Why did my Pokémon’s moves change?
- How do I delete my Pokémon HOME account?