I suspect that a player is cheating.
Please submit a complete report, here. Please include as much information as possible, such as in-game screenshots and complete details of the event. We will review the case thoroughly and take any appropriate actions. You will not be updated on the status of the investigation.
It shouldn't be possible for a player to cheat in the game since the cards and effects are saved on the game servers.
Please note: Any reports deemed maliciously false may result in account action against the reporting player. Please submit only genuine concerns or events.
I suspect that a player is scamming others.
If you suspect that a player is attempting to scam others on the official Pokémon forums, please alert a moderator. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide assistance if the suspicious activity occurs outside of an official Pokémon channel.
Please do not share account information, including on the official Pokémon forums.