Is everything from my Pokémon TCG Online account transferable? What about my cards?
Players will be able to transfer the following content from their Pokémon TCG Online account to Pokémon TCG Live:
- Cards: Pokémon TCG cards from the Sword & Shield Series and Sun & Moon Series are transferrable and playable in Pokémon TCG Live at launch. Cards from the XY Series and the Black & White Series are transferrable at launch but will not be playable until future Pokémon TCG Live game updates. Players will be able to transfer up to four copies of a unique Pokémon TCG card; one copy of an ACE SPEC, Prism Star, or Pokémon Star card; one copy of each part of a Pokémon V-UNION card; and 59 copies of a basic Energy card (excluding non-foil basic Energy cards without a collector number or expansion icon). Additional copies beyond these limits will not be transferred.
- Accessories: Many coins, card sleeves, and deck boxes are transferrable, with a maximum of one copy per item. Additional copies of coins, card sleeves, and deck boxes will not be transferred.
Pokémon TCG Online players will NOT be able to transfer the following content to Pokémon TCG Live:
- Pokémon TCG cards from the HeartGold & SoulSilverSeries
- Pokémon TCG Online original tutorial starter pack cards
- Avatar items and unopened Avatar Collection Boxes
- Unopened products and bundles
- Certain coins, card sleeves, and deck boxes
- In-game currency, including Trainer Tokens and Event Tickets
- Friends list
- Saved deck lists (While deck lists do not automatically transfer, players can export the text of their deck lists and save it locally, and then copy that text into the Deck Editor in Pokémon TCG Live; however, please note that this process must be completed before players begin migrating from the Pokémon TCG Online to Pokémon TCG Live.)
While unopened products and bundles are not transferrable, players will receive a number of Crystals in Pokémon TCG Live that is proportionate to the number of their eligible unopened items. Crystals can be redeemed for booster packs, promo cards, and special bundles in the Pokémon TCG Live in-game shop.
- 1 to 9 unopened items in the Pokémon TCG Online = 500 Crystals awarded in Pokémon TCG Live
- 10 to 24 unopened items = 1,100 Crystals
- 25 to 49 unopened items = 2,250 Crystals
- 50 to 124 unopened items = 4,700 Crystals
- 125+ unopened items = 12,400 Crystals
If your deck list contains cards that are not playable in Pokémon TCG Live, the deck list will still import but will not be valid for play. Please note that cards from the XY and Black & White Series are transferrable at launch and will eventually be playable via future game updates.
Are there any unopened products or bundles that do not count toward the number of unopened items that I will receive Crystals for?
The following unopened items are excluded from this count:
- Booster packs and theme decks from the HeartGold & SoulSilver, HS—Unleashed, HS—Undaunted, HS—Triumphant, and Call of Legends expansions
- Reward Chests
- Avatar Collection Boxes
Are trade-locked items eligible to be migrated to Pokémon TCG Live?
Yes. The migration process uses the combined total of tradable and trade-locked copies of an item in the collection. This applies to cards, accessories, and unopened products and bundles in the player’s Pokémon TCG Online collection at the time they migrate their collection to Pokémon TCG Live.
What will happen to the cards I have that are in addition to the four copies I’m allowed to transfer?
Cards in excess of the following limits will not be transferred to Pokémon TCG Live. Players will not receive Credits for these untransferable cards.
- Four copies of a unique Pokémon TCG card
- One copy of an ACE SPEC, Prism Star, or Pokémon Star card
- One copy of each part of a Pokémon V-UNION card
- 59 copies of a basic Energy card (excluding non-foil basic Energy cards without a collector number or expansion icon)
Do parallel foil and alternate-art variants of cards count as separate cards? Will they transfer?
Parallel foil and alternate-art variants of cards count as separate cards from their standard variant. If a card has multiple variants, each variant will have a transfer limit that is separate from every other variant of that card.
What about special expansions like Detective Pikachu and Celebrations?
Pokémon TCG cards from the Detective Pikachu expansion are transferrable and playable in Pokémon TCG Live at launch. The Celebrations expansion is also transferrable and playable at launch, with the exception of cards from the Classic Collection within the Celebrations expansion, which are transferrable at launch but will not be playable until future Pokémon TCG Live game updates.
What about cards from the McDonald’s Happy Meal promotion?
Pokémon TCG cards from the McDonald’s Happy Meal promotion are not transferrable to Pokémon TCG Live, as they are not available in the Pokémon TCG Online.
What if I do not want to migrate my account from the Pokémon TCG Online to Pokémon TCG Live?
All players will be migrated to Pokémon TCG Live, and the Pokémon TCG Online will eventually be retired.
Do I need to have a Pokémon TCG Online account first, before I can play Pokémon TCG Live?
A previous Pokémon TCG Online account is not necessary to play Pokémon TCG Live, but a Pokémon Trainer Club account is required. In addition, Pokémon TCG Live requires a screen name to sign in, so please be sure to designate a screen name if you are creating a new Pokémon Trainer Club account.
Learn more about the Pokémon Trainer Club or create an account here.