Recommended mobile device specifications
- iPhone 8 or later
- iOS13 or later
- 2GB of RAM or more
- Android 7.0 or later
- Support for Vulkan
- 64-bit
- 3GB of RAM or more
- Installed GPU is Snapdragon 845 or later, or one of similar performance
- The app may not launch on devices that have been modified in ways not covered by the manufacturer’s warranty.
- The app is not guaranteed to work on all devices, even if those devices meet the listed requirements.
- The app may not always work properly for various reasons, including due to performance, certain specifications, or operating conditions.
- It may take some time for the app to be supported on newly released versions of a device’s operating system.
What are the rules of Pokémon TCG Pocket? Are they different from those of the Pokémon Trading Card Game?
Please find more information about Pokémon TCG Pocket’s game rules in Tips or by tapping the question mark button displayed at the top-right part of various screens of the app.
The rules of Pokémon TCG Pocket are different from the Pokémon Trading Card Game. Please check the official website and within the game for more details on battle rules.
Does it cost money to play Pokémon TCG Pocket?
The game is free to start. There are optional in-app purchases.
Which languages are available?
Pokémon TCG Pocket is available in the following languages.
- Japanese
- English
- French
- Italian
- German
- Spanish
- Brazilian Portuguese
- Traditional Chinese
- Korean
You can change the in-app language by navigating to Menu (rightmost button at the bottom of the screen) > Other > Settings > Language Selection.
When does the date change in the game?
The date changes at 6:00 a.m. (UTC). Updates for various events also typically occur at the same time. Please note that date change may not occur exactly at the above time.
How can I change my player name?
You can change your player name by navigating to Home (leftmost button at the bottom of the screen) > Profile icon (middle button at the top of the screen) > tap your player name. Once you change your player name, it cannot be changed again for 30 days. Similarly, the player name you set when you first start the game cannot be changed for 30 days.
Note: If a player name is found to be inappropriate, it may be changed and/or your game usage may be restricted.
Can I increase the maximum number of binders, display boards, or decks?
No. Currently, the maximum number of binders, display boards, and decks cannot be increased.
Why are the card images in News displayed in English?
All the cards that are featured in News will be displayed in English regardless of your language selection.
Why are there pack opening results that cannot be made available by using rewind watches in wonder pick?
You cannot use a rewind watch on pack opening results for packs you have already wonder picked. You can use rewind watches on pack opening results from packs you have not wonder picked but which have expired.
Why don’t I see the same selection of step-up battles as I did before?
The availability of step-up battles may vary based on the current expansion and other factors. For example, you may find that some expansions offer only higher difficulty step-up or solo battles.
Why can’t I use a rental deck?
Rental decks have a limited number of uses. Once the rental deck runs out of uses, the deck will disappear from the rental deck list and you will no longer be able to use it. You cannot increase the number of uses of a rental deck.
Once you start a match with a rental deck, that will count as one use of that rental deck regardless of the outcome—win, loss, or forfeit.
Please note that you cannot use rental decks in versus battles.
How do I use the advance ticket?
Advance ticket is a ticket that you will be able to use for something in the future. Stay tuned for more information. Advance tickets will be distributed from 6:00 a.m. on October 30, 2024, until 5:59 a.m. on January 30, 2025 (UTC).
After changing the time on my device, I get an error and cannot play the game.
If you change the time on your device, you may see an error. You may be able to resolve this by changing the time setting on your device from manual to automatic and restarting your device. Even if you change the time on your device, you cannot reduce the time for packs or wonder picks to be made available.
I changed the app language. Why didn’t my cards change?
Cards that you already own will remain the language that you acquired them in, even if the app language setting is changed. Cards obtained from booster packs will reflect the app’s language setting at the time that you acquire the cards. Cards acquired through Wonder Pick will reflect the language of the cards obtained by other players.
Can I change my date of birth?
You cannot change your date of birth after setting it.
Why can I no longer exchange flair?
If you redownload your save data after clearing your cache or transferring data, a lock icon will reappear on the flair you have already obtained. Flair that have been made available are obtainable even if a lock icon is shown on them. Please follow the below steps to restore your game state before clearing your cache or transferring your data:
- My Cards (second button from the left at the bottom of the screen) > tap a card that has flair > Obtain Flair
Note: If you have multiple flair, you will need to repeat the above steps for each flair that is made available.
Why don’t I see the “Open 10 packs” button?
The “Open 10 packs” button will be displayed when your pack stamina reaches zero.
I have Poké gold. Why can’t I open packs?
You can use up to 720 Poké gold per day to shorten the waiting time for opening packs. This usage limit is reset every day at 6:00 a.m. (UTC).
Do pack points expire?
No, pack points do not expire.
Can pack points be used on all booster packs?
Opening booster packs of a given expansion earns you pack points for that expansion. Those points can be exchanged only for cards that appear in that expansion.
Expansions are sets of cards that are labeled with a single code. The expansion code (such as A1, A1a, and A2) tells you which cards belong to which booster packs. For example, the cards included in Genetic Apex: Mewtwo, Genetic Apex: Charizard, and Genetic Apex: Pikachu have the A1 expansion code.
Note: There may be cards that are not obtained from booster packs included in an expansion.
Why did my Poké gold decrease or disappear?
Poké gold can only be used by actions taken directly by the player. Please review the below actions that consume Poké gold to see if any may apply to you.
- Poké gold may be used to reduce the time to open packs if you do not have enough pack hourglasses.
- Poké gold may be used to reduce the time to wonder pick if you do not have enough wonder hourglasses.
- Poké gold may be used to restore an expired wonder pick if you do not have enough rewind watches.
- Poké gold may be used when participating in solo event battles if you do not have enough event hourglasses. Note that event stamina is required to participate in some solo event battles.
Please keep in mind that once Poké gold is used, it cannot be restored. We appreciate your understanding as we are unable to assist with such inquiries.
Can I restore Poké gold, or another item used by mistake?
Once Poké gold or other items are used, they cannot be restored. We appreciate your understanding as we are unable to assist with such inquiries.
I made a Poké gold purchase that included accessories, where can I find them?
Bonus items (such as accessories) that are included with other products are sent to Gifts. Please check the Gifts screen for any unclaimed items as well as a list of items that you have already claimed.
Why does it look like I have fewer cards than I used to?
Please check Obtain Flair for cards you may have used to obtain flair. Navigate to My Cards (second button from the left at the bottom of the screen) > tap a card that has flair > See the button at the top-left part of the screen.
Why did items in Gifts disappear?
Items in Gifts must be claimed during their availability period. After the availability period for an item has passed, the item will disappear from Gifts and cannot be claimed.
Why couldn’t I claim a mission reward?
Please be aware that after completing a mission, mission rewards that are not claimed during the availability period will become unavailable. In addition, rewards for daily missions can only be claimed once per day.
If you log in and forget to tap the Claim button, or if you don’t log in and the date changes, you will not be able to claim these rewards.
The date changes at 6:00 a.m. (UTC).
Where is the flair I obtained? How do I use flair?
Different types of flair are set on different screens. Whether using cosmetic flair or battle flair, you can select any flair you have for a card with the bottom-right button on the card.
Flair (Cosmetic)
The editing screens in Binders, Display Boards, or Decks.
How to select flair in Binders: navigate to My Cards (second button from the left at the bottom of the screen) > Binders (button at the top part of the screen) > tap a created binder > Edit > tap an added card > button on bottom-right of the card.
How to select flair in Display Boards: navigate to My Cards (second button from the left at the bottom of the screen) > Display Boards (button at the top part of the screen) > tap a created display board > Edit > tap an added card > button on bottom-right of the card.
Flair (Battle)
The editing screen in Decks.
How to select flair in Decks: navigate to My Cards (second button from the left at the bottom of the screen) > Decks (button at the top part of the screen) > tap a created deck > Edit > button on bottom-right of card in your deck
Where can I find cards in other languages?
Please follow these steps: navigate to My Cards (second button from the left at the bottom of the screen) > tap the card you have duplicates for in multiple languages > middle button at the top part of the screen.